The Healgood Blog

Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Breaking the Taboo: The Heart of Therapy

Today is Valentine’s Day — a day to celebrate love, but there's a type of love often overlooked in the world of therapy – the love we have for our clients. Now, before you raise an eyebrow, let's dive into this taboo topic and explore why the heart of therapy beats with genuine caring and connection.

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Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

The Pros of Consultation: Unlocking the Benefits of Seeking Professional Guidance as a Healer

In the field of mental health, the journey of professional growth and development is a continuous process. As healers, we have a profound responsibility to support and guide individuals on their path to well-being. However, it is equally essential for us to recognize the value of seeking consultation from our peers and experienced professionals. Consultation provides us with a unique opportunity to enhance our skills, gain new perspectives, and navigate the complexities of our work. In this blog, we will explore the numerous benefits of seeking professional consultation as healers and why it is a valuable investment in our personal and professional growth.

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