The Healgood Blog

Psychoeducation Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Psychoeducation Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Tips for Navigating Back-to-School Stressors

As summer fades and the new school year approaches, it's normal to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. Whether you're a student, parent, caregiver or teacher, the shift from the more flexible summer schedule to the structure of the school year can be challenging for everyone involved. It's important to acknowledge this transition and offer kindness and understanding to ourselves and each other.

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Psychoeducation, Eating Disorders, Athletes, Mental Health Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Psychoeducation, Eating Disorders, Athletes, Mental Health Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

The Pressure of Perfection: Navigating Mental Health Amidst Olympic Standards

The Olympics are a global celebration of athletic achievement, showcasing the incredible feats of athletes who often dedicate their lives to perfecting their sports. While these performances can inspire admiration and awe, they can also set unrealistic standards for viewers.

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Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Myths and Misconceptions of Family Therapy

Family therapy is a powerful tool for healing and growth, but it is often misunderstood. Myths and misconceptions can prevent families, especially those with adolescents and young adults, from seeking the help they need.

At Healgood, we want to clarify what family therapy is—and what it isn't—while shedding light on our unique approach that integrates Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) with family systems theory.

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Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Breaking the Taboo: The Heart of Therapy

Today is Valentine’s Day — a day to celebrate love, but there's a type of love often overlooked in the world of therapy – the love we have for our clients. Now, before you raise an eyebrow, let's dive into this taboo topic and explore why the heart of therapy beats with genuine caring and connection.

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Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Balancing New Year's Resolutions with Acceptance and Change

As we step into the promising embrace of a new year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and envisioning the future. It's a time when resolutions are crafted with the best intentions, fueled by the desire for positive change. However, as a Licensed Professional Counselor with a specialization in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), I encourage you to approach your resolutions with a unique perspective—one that incorporates the principles of acceptance and change.

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Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Embracing Joy: The Power of Pleasant Events

Life can sometimes be a rollercoaster of stress, emotions, demands, and responsibilities. It's all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget to take a breather. That's where the "Pleasant Events" DBT skill comes in handy. It's like hitting the pause button on life's monotony or chaos to savor some much-needed joy.

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Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Nourishing the Athlete: The Importance of Nutrition for Athletes

As an athlete, understanding the basics of nutrition and fueling your body is essential for achieving optimal performance, promoting recovery, and preventing injury. Proper nutrition provides the body with the necessary fuel and nutrients to support the demands of training and competition.

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Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Rise and Shine: Three Steps to a Morning Ritual that Supports Your Mental Health and Wellness

Mornings tend to have a bad reputation for being rushed and stressful - but they don’t have to be! Having a morning routine or “morning ritual” can help individuals feel less anxious, empowered, and in control. Taking the time to plan how you want to feel in the morning instead of letting feelings take the wheel can put you in a state of “responding” rather than “reacting”.

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Psychoeducation, Eating Disorders, ARFID Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Psychoeducation, Eating Disorders, ARFID Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

More than just picky eating: Avoidant / Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

Avoidant / Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) sometimes referred to as “selective eating or picky eating” is an eating disorder which affects a person's physical and/or mental health by significant impairment to eating or feeding behaviors. ARFID behaviors are not motivated by…

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Psychoeducation Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Psychoeducation Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Embracing Self-Love on Valentine's Day: Navigating Mental Health in a Societal Pressure-Filled Holiday

Valentine's Day is a time when many people celebrate love and affection with their significant others. While this holiday can be a source of joy and happiness for some, it can also be a source of stress and anxiety for others.

For many, Valentine's Day can bring up feelings of loneliness, depression, and low self-esteem. In this blog, we will discuss how mental health affects relationships, the impact of societal pressures on Valentine's Day, and ways to cope with negative emotions during this holiday.

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Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

Healing in “real life”: How restaurant and grocery store exposures facilitate eating disorder recovery

When in recovery from an eating disorder, many find that there comes a point when “the rubber meets the road” or, in other words, “sh*t gets real.” You’ve come to a juncture in your recovery journey, where you’ve successfully practiced and the learned tools and skills necessary to challenge the eating disorder. Yay! But then, plot twist, the next challenge is to use these skills beyond the therapist’s or dietitian’s office and in real life.

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Psychoeducation Chelsea Fielder-Jenks Psychoeducation Chelsea Fielder-Jenks

What Holistic Healing Is and Why it Matters

We each have our own thoughts, feelings, and lived experiences. At Healgood, we use a holistic, inter-disciplinary approach to healing that looks at the interconnection between each individual's unique biological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors and how these factors play a role in their health and well-being.

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